Thursday, May 31, 2012

Something I JUST read and I am horrified

So I am WAY behind in my reading but finally caught up with my mags today and my take away? People are bat shit crazy! The last story I read, I think in Cosmo was this story about a University of Washington student who was dating some guy and on their second date she realized they were going to hook up. She constantly reminded him she wanted him to wear protection which she saw him put on, even knowing she was protected herself with the nuva ring. Right after sex she looked over and noticed that he had not only removed his condom during sex but had also taken it upon himself to remove her Nuva Ring! She was mortified.

Days later she confronted him and he let her know he in no way wanted her to be pregnant but that she 'wouldn't get pregnant'

The reason I am saying something other than the obvious, check yourself before you sleep with some scum bag like this, is this is how many unplanned pregnancies happen. His way of thinking the whole 'You won't get pregnant' comment really grinds me. Kind of like saying I am indestructible and not only will you not get pregnant but you will not get any STD's because of my complete disregard for even my own safety.

Before I end this yes the girl was tested and no she came back with no STD's and no she did not have a baby but I were to ever meet this guy I think I may want to kick him in the junk!

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